Laurel L Russwurm 2024-08-15 12:43:01

I grew up washing dishes with Dish Soap, but Sunlight laundry soap? Never heard of it.

Wikipedia tells us, was "the world's first packaged, branded laundry soap" in 1884, but was was eventually supplanted by modern products made from synthetically produced detergents rather than naturally derived soaps."

But if Laundry soap was available in , it was invisible.

But Sunlight dish soap was indispensible.

Laurel L Russwurm 2024-07-08 12:57:20

Whatever happened to Canada's devotion to the Rule of Law?
No one should be above the law, whether domestic or International Law.

Please share Khaled Mouammar's important article about the direction of the Canadian Govt's Middle East policy that will impact at home, especially on our lovely protections of Canadian free expression, peaceful protests, and


e-4802: Government Response

Response by the Minister of International Development

Signed by (Minister or Parliamentary Secretary): Aniita Vandenbeld

“Canada is deeply concerned about the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and its impact on the civilian population, which has been internally displaced multiple times and is unable to meet its most basic survival needs.

“Officials are following reports of imminent famine in Northern Gaza and food insecurity across the Strip. Canada continues to advocate for more trucks to be allowed into Gaza and for more entry points to be opened. Canada was the first G7 country to provide support to Gaza after October 7, 2023, and is one of the world’s largest donors of assistance to address the current crisis. Canada has announced $100 million in humanitarian assistance to address the urgent needs of vulnerable civilians in this crisis, including a matching fund of $13,7 million that leveraged the generosity of Canadians.

“Canada also has a firm and consistent track record when it comes to advocating for the protection of civilians in armed conflict, promoting and protecting international humanitarian law, and reinforcing refugee protection, including for Palestinian refugees via UNRWA.  Canada has strongly called all parties to the conflict to abide by their obligations under international humanitarian law. The Government of Canada will continue to support civilians with life-saving humanitarian aid, while ensuring that Canadian funds do not go into the hands of Hamas.

“On March 8, 2024, Canada has resumed its funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), given the urgent humanitarian situation in Gaza and the significant processes taken to address allegations and reinforce zero tolerance against terrorism within the United Nations (UN) and UNRWA. The decision was based on confidence in the ongoing investigation and review processes; a satisfactory briefing by the UN Secretary General on the interim report of the UN Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS), and the rigour of the independent review led by former French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna. UNRWA had already taken immediate steps to strengthen oversight, accountability, and transparency.

“Recognizing UNRWA’s critical role and the reliance of other aid organizations on UNRWA’s experience, infrastructure, and logistical capabilities, and also recognizing the critical and worsening humanitarian situation in Gaza, Canada judged that the lifting its pause on UNRWA was well-advised and opportune. As the first country to re-instate funding to UNRWA after having paused, Canada was able to demonstrate leadership in the sphere of humanitarian assistance; several other donors who had paused followed suit. Canada continues to take action to respond to the crisis, including by being a vocal advocate for UNRWA.

“Since March 8, 2024, a number of donors that had previously suspended their funding have since lifted their pause. The list as of May 2, 2024, includes: Australia, Finland, Germany, Japan, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, and Sweden.

“Canada has welcomed the final report of the Independent Review Group. We will be closely reviewing the findings and recommendations and will work with fellow donors, the UN and UNRWA to ensure that all recommendations are fully implemented, and the principle of neutrality is fully respected in UNRWA activities.

“Canada is calling for a lasting and sustainable ceasefire. Humanitarian assistance must be able to reach civilians in need. The Government of Canada has reiterated that any ceasefire cannot be one-sided. Hamas must lay down its arms and all hostages must be released. Canada remains firmly committed to a two-state solution. Canada’s position is that there needs to be return to a framework that can best guarantee sustainable peace and dignity for both Israelis and Palestinians.”

Petition e-4802 goes to Parliament #RestoreUNWRA

My petition closed after its 30 day run with nearly 10k signatures. Here’s our sponsor, Mike Morrice (Kitchener Centre MP) presenting it in the House of Commons.

The government has something like 45 days in which to reply.


In a day or two, the countries that have been pledging financial support for UNWRA pulled their funding because Israel made unfounded…

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Petition e-4802 goes to Parliament #RestoreUNWRA

My petition closed after its 30 day run with nearly 10k signatures. Here’s our sponsor, Mike Morrice (Kitchener Centre MP) presenting it in the House of Commons.

The government has something like 45 days in which to reply.


In a day or two, the countries that have been pledging financial support for UNWRA pulled their funding because Israel made unfounded accusations about a tiny percentage of UNWRA workers. Months later, many have still not restored funding, even though no evidence to support the allegations has come from Israel.

Why does everybody believe Israel?

If you’re friends with a pathological liar, you need to learn to get the evidence before you believe.

Hey Canadians…

Hey Canadians…

Today’s your last chance to sign Petition e-4802 (at 2:03pm)

asking the Govt of #Canada to:

1. Reinstate Canada’s UNRWA funding; and

2. Advocate other countries do the same, preventing the collapse of UNRWA when needed most.

Our government has waffled on #1 already, and

#2 is still very much needed.

Please sign and share… the clock is ticking!

Keep Signing Petition e-4802

Keep on signing!

On Friday, the Government of Canada finally made an announcement about restoring its pledged UNWRA funding:

News release

March 8, 2024 – Mississauga, Ontario – Global Affairs Canada

Canada is deeply concerned by the catastrophic humanitarian situation in Gaza that is worsening by the hour. Help must reach civilians as quickly as possible. Canada is working to overcome challenges related to…

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Keep Signing Petition e-4802

On Friday, the Government of Canada finally made an announcement about restoring its pledged UNWRA funding:

News release

March 8, 2024 – Mississauga, Ontario – Global Affairs Canada

Canada is deeply concerned by the catastrophic humanitarian situation in Gaza that is worsening by the hour. Help must reach civilians as quickly as possible. Canada is working to overcome challenges related to humanitarian access and the delivery of life-saving relief so that more assistance can reach those in need.

Canada was the first G7 country to provide support to Gaza after October 7, 2023, and is one of the world’s largest donors of assistance to address the current crisis. Today, the Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of International Development, announced that Canada will be lifting its temporary pause on funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). UNRWA plays a vital role in Gaza, providing over 2 million people with humanitarian relief, in addition to its crucial operations supporting 4 million people elsewhere in the region. Other organizations also rely on UNRWA’s experience and infrastructure to deliver humanitarian assistance in Gaza.

Following allegations that some UNRWA staff were involved in Hamas’s heinous terrorist attacks against Israel on October 7, 2023, the UN has put in place several significant processes to address the allegations and reinforce its zero tolerance for terror within the UN, including UNRWA. Canada has reviewed the interim report of the UN Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) on this matter and looks forward to the final report. Canada commends the independent review of UNRWA currently underway, led by Catherine Colonna, and anticipates reviewing the report assessing UNRWA’s neutrality mechanisms. While these investigative processes continue, UNRWA has taken immediate measures to strengthen oversight, accountability and transparency.

Canada is committed to ensuring full accountability, decisive action and the implementation of necessary reforms within UNRWA. Canada will work with fellow donors, the UN and UNRWA to ensure that the recommendations stemming from both the OIOS investigation and the independent review are fully implemented. Canada expects UNRWA to meet its obligations and uphold the UN’s value of neutrality: this is an essential component of UNRWA’s mandate.

Women and children are bearing the heaviest toll as a result of the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza. Over 1.7 million Gazans are displaced, with the majority living in crowded and unsanitary conditions in Rafah. Most of the population is severely food insecure and there is a growing risk of widespread famine. Access to life-saving medical services is heavily limited.

Every amount of assistance is critical, which is why Canada is pursuing all avenues to deliver assistance into Gaza. One way Canada is doing this is by supporting Jordan and the World Food Programme (WFP) to conduct airdrops in Gaza delivering essential items that Palestinian civilians desperately need.

Jordan has been playing a key role in delivering desperately needed supplies by both land and air to Gaza. To bolster these efforts, Canada is providing $100,000 in funding to the Jordan Hashemite Charity Organisation for the purchase of supplies such as food, blankets and winter clothing, which will be delivered to Gazans in need, including through Jordanian airdrops. Additionally, Canada has allocated substantial funding to the WFP, part of which will be used for airdrops.

The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) will be providing approximately 300 cargo parachutes from the Canadian Army Advanced Warfare Centre in Trenton to the Royal Jordanian Air Force to assist them in conducting the airdrops of critical supplies into Gaza.

Airdrops are absolutely not a substitute for deliveries via land and sea routes. Canada continues to call for more entry points, expanded access, protection of humanitarian workers, and a humanitarian ceasefire.

Canada continues to call on all parties to respect their international humanitarian law obligations. This includes immediately releasing all hostages, ceasing to employ human shields, respecting and protecting medical and humanitarian personnel, and taking all feasible precautions to protect civilians in the conduct of hostilities. Furthermore, the parties must allow and facilitate rapid and unimpeded passage of humanitarian relief for civilians in need.

Canada is committed to a two-state solution, with Israelis and Palestinians living side by side in peace and security, with dignity and without fear.


“Since the horrific terrorist attack by Hamas on October 7, Canada has centred its decisions on the protection of civilians. Both Israelis and Palestinians have the fundamental human right to live in peace, dignity and security, without fear. As a government, we have a responsibility to ensure that Canadians have confidence in the organizations we support, which is why we have taken prudent measures to allow for a necessary investigation to take place. In recognition of the robust investigative processes underway, UNRWA’s efforts to address serious allegations made against some of its staff, including the implementation of internal measures to improve oversight and accountability, as well as the catastrophic humanitarian situation in Gaza, Canada is resuming its funding to UNRWA so more can be done to respond to the urgent needs of Palestinian civilians. Canada will continue to take the allegations against some of UNRWA’s staff extremely seriously and we will remain closely engaged with UNRWA and the UN to pursue accountability and reforms.”

–  Ahmed Hussen, Minister of International Development

“This donation of parachutes from the Canadian Armed Forces will help to replenish the Royal Jordanian Air Force’s supplies for humanitarian airdrops, supporting the delivery of life-saving assistance to the Palestinian people. Through this donation and our significant financial contributions to trusted partners, Canada will continue to provide the Palestinian people with access to critical humanitarian relief.”

– Bill Blair, Minister of National Defence

“Canada is resuming its funding to UNRWA, so more can be done to respond to the urgent needs of Palestinian civilians. We shall continue to be closely engaged with UNRWA on investigations, reviews and audits currently underway. All of these will require the full cooperation of the Government of Israel, as well as the determination of UNRWA itself to improve its own security systems. The United Nations Secretary-General has given member states and donors his personal assurance that these issues have his full attention.”

– Bob Rae, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Canada to the United Nations in New York

Quick facts

  • No regularly scheduled payment that was intended to go to UNRWA was missed during the temporary pause. By providing certainty that Canada’s planned contribution will proceed, this will help prevent the imminent collapse of this essential organization.
  • The CAF is making available approximately 300 cargo parachutes for the purpose of dropping cargo.

While this is good news, it is not enough.

I’ve heard many people say Canada has no International political influence, but that just isn’t so. We still have the reputation of being nice, deserved or not. When Canada went along with Israel’s push to defund UNWRA in hopes of distracting the world from the compelling Genocide case before the International Court of Justice, other countries did too.

That’s why the second part of the “ask” in Petition e-4802 was:

2. Advocating other countries do the same to prevent the collapse of UNRWA when Gaza’s lifeline is needed most.

Despite the fact Canada is restoring UNWRA funding (for today, anyway) Petition E-482 will remain Open for Signature until 2:02 p.m. on March 13, 2024. (EDT)

[White text on red field left sidebar on graphic]  Dear Canadians:
Thank-you for your

The Government today (March 8, 2024)announced it will restore #UNWRA funding, but doesn't seem to understand: UNWRA funding should NOT have been 'paused' even if there had been *any* verifiable proof of any UNWRA employee participation in
terrorist acts.

Canada should LEAD on Human Rights so please: KEEP SIGNING Petition e-4802

[Petition Signature Graphic] 
[wordmark-logo] House of Commons
Chambre des Communes 

Petition e-4802 (Foreign affairs) #UNRWA
Open for signature
February 12, 2024, at 2:03 p.m. (EDT)
Closed for signature
March 13, 2024, at 2:03 p.m. (EDT)
Member of Parliament
Mike Morrice
Kitchener Centre
Green Party Caucus

9,419 signatures

Province/ Territory                                               Signatures

Alberta  708

British Columbia  1,627

Manitoba  145

New Brunswick  48

Newfoundland and Labrador  54

Northwest Territories  8

Nova Scotia  226

Nunavut   3

Ontario  5,208

Prince Edward Island  27

Québec  1,136

Saskatchewan  132

Yukon Territory  6

at 9 March, 2024 1:22am

Because of this, I ask petition supporters to continue signing and sharing for the few days that remain.

This is so important because the more signatures e-Petition 4802 receives, the more seriously the Government of Canada will take it, so please keep signing and sharing! 

Thank you for your support!

Many thanks to everyone who helps keep this terrible issue in the public eye.

Norway: Restore UNWRA Funding

Barth Eide, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Norway said:
"there had beeb suggestions ewarly on by some donors to replace UNWRA with another humanitarian organization, but that idea was now "off the table."
"They were told by the rest of the international humanitarian community, UN agencies and NGOs that there is no way to do that in time, he said.

Canada is one of those donors.

UNRWA donors likely to resume funding soon, Norway says

Israel doesn’t like UNWRA. Of course it doesn’t. UNWRA was created to help the Palestinian Refugees that resulted from the League of Nations decision to partition the land of Palestine to create space for a Jewish homeland where none existed.

When the International Court of Justice cited UNWRA testimony when issuing its Provisional Orders to Israel (South Africa vs Israel), Israel fought back by making spurious unfounded accusations against UNWRA that *still* remain unverified.

As Mr Eide indicates, UNWRA is *the* crucial humanitarian aid provider (and facilitator) in Gaza. Even if it were possible for another Humanitarian Aid Organization to take over, Canada was one of those donors. would try to smear it too.

I hope anyone who hasn’t will sign & share Petition e-4802 as widely as possible.

As I write this, at 9,419 signatures it needs only 581 signatures to reach 10,000!!! This is so important because the more signatures e-Petition 4802 receives, the more seriously the Government of Canada will take it, so please keep signing and sharing! 

Thank you for your support!

Many thanks to everyone who signs and shares, helping to keep this terrible thing in the public eye.

Key Canadian Policy on Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Lisa MacLeod is a Progressive Conservative Member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario. Ms MacLeod’s tweet begins with an #AdHominem attacks accusing the “Jews Say No To Genocide” protest of “hate speech,” then characterizes their protest as a “sick” “antisemitic” “intimidation fest.

In the following @cbcnews clip, the “Jews Say No To Genocide” explain that they’re protesting an Israeli sale…

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