Wet’suwet’en Land ReclamationOver the last decade, the…

Wet'suwet'en Land Reclamation

Over the last decade, the Unist’ot’en clan of the Wet’suwet’en nation have been re-occupying their traditional territories and defending their lands and waters from industry. We caught up with the Gidimt’en and Likht’samisyu clans who have also been building on their respective territories. A special thanks to SAW Video for their support with production.CategoryNonprofits & ActivismLicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed)

This past year we all watched the media portray a white land…

This past year we all watched the media portray a white land owner well within his right, to shoot & kill a young Aboriginal youth, for reasons the white landowner was protecting his land from a trespasser.

It’s ironic, that today the media plays out another portrayal; Aboriginal land owners, protecting ancestral, traditional land being forcibly removed by heavily armed military and tactical units.  The same whites who thought it was ok that the white farmer was well within his right to kill for his land, want the government to forcibly remove, and even kill Aboriginals for protecting their land.

ONGOING Genocide in CanadaOn January 7th, 2019 a team of…

ONGOING Genocide in Canada

On January 7th, 2019 a team of tactical RCMP were deployed in Wet'suwet'en territory, where they forcibly removed Gitdum'ten people and supporters from their land in order to facilitate the construction of the TransCanada Coastal Gaslink Pipeline.

Last year when the RCMP was called out, they had permission for “lethal overwatch” (SNIPERS!). 

Now they are back.  This time they don’t want the eyes of the world on the RCMP.  So they have a twenty km “exclusion zone” keeping reporters and citizens out. 

https://www.pscp.tv/w/1zqKVEYNBvAxB?t=31m40s“These decisions…


These decisions should not ever  be tied to a corporate construction schedule, such as Coastal Gas Link. 

“There needs to be time and space set aside for a very thorough adjudication of the Common Law and the Wet'suwet'en Law and all aspects and dimensions of this very complicated issue.

“We have to just stop relying on these low level Interlocutory Injunctions and sending in the RCMP as if somehow they represent the corporate 7th Cavalry.   It’s just absolutely reckless and irresponsible, and may cause serious injury or loss of life.”

—Grand Chief Stewart Phillip
Union of BC Indian Chiefs Press Conference

Settlers like me might not get the “7th Cavalry” reference.  Those were the people responsible for Custer’s Last Stand.