When we cut down trees…Ignorance Fuels the Climate CrisisThe reason we hear politicians…

When we cut down trees…

Ignorance Fuels the Climate Crisis

The reason we hear politicians promising to plant millions of trees to fight #ClimateChange is living trees store carbon. The bigger the tree, the more carbon.

Every perfectly healthy big tree that is wantonly cut down for landscaping reasons releases the carbon it had sequestered throughout its life.

It is positively crazy to be cuttting the tiny sliver of old growth forrest remaining in Canada.

“Lying there among the trees, despite a learned wariness towards anthropomorphism, I find it hard not…”

“Lying there among the trees, despite a learned wariness towards anthropomorphism, I find it hard not to imagine these arboreal relations in terms of tenderness, generosity and even love: the respectful distance of their shy crowns, the kissing branches that have pleached with one another, the unseen connections forged by root and hyphae between seemingly distant trees. I remember something Louis de Bernières has written about a relationship that endured into old age: “we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two.” […] I think of good love as something that roots, not rots, over time, and of the hyphae that are weaving through the ground below me, reaching out through the soil in search of mergings.”

- Robert Macfarlane, Underland: A Deep Time Journey.