Laurel L Russwurm 2024-08-15 16:24:34

dish soap may not be some snazzy new thing, but it is a product Canadians already know and trust.
Henkel doesn't need to pour money into packaging and advertising to convince us to buy it,. We are convinced.

In was happy to discover I am not the only person upset by this. There is already a petition in the works, asking the Henkel company to:

Reinstate Production of Sunlight Dish Soap in Canada and USA.

Sign the petition!

Laurel L Russwurm 2024-08-15 12:43:01

I grew up washing dishes with Dish Soap, but Sunlight laundry soap? Never heard of it.

Wikipedia tells us, was "the world's first packaged, branded laundry soap" in 1884, but was was eventually supplanted by modern products made from synthetically produced detergents rather than naturally derived soaps."

But if Laundry soap was available in , it was invisible.

But Sunlight dish soap was indispensible.