Signatures for Petition e-4802

Thank-you so very much to everyone who has signed my restore UNWRA Funding Petition!

Imagine: 3,051 signatures in only 5 days!

And here I was wondering if my Petition would really be able to get enough signatures to get certified for presentation to Parliament in just 30 days. I knew very well that I’m not the only Canadian who cares desperately about the plight of Palestinians in Gaza, but I…

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Signatures for Petition e-4802

Thank-you so very much to everyone who has signed my restore UNWRA Funding Petition!

[logo] House of Commons
Chambre des Communes 

Petition e-4802 (Foreign affairs) #UNRWA
Open for signature
February 12, 2024, at 2:03 p.m. (EDT)
Closed for signature
March 13, 2024, at 2:03 p.m. (EDT)
Member of Parliament
Mike Morrice
Kitchener Centre
Green Party Caucus

Province/ Territory                                               Signatures

Alberta  204

British Columbia  513

Manitoba  20

New Brunswick  17

Newfoundland and Labrador  26

Northwest Territories  4

Nova Scotia  90


Ontario  1,692

Prince Edward Island  14

Québec  406

Saskatchewan  39

Yukon Territory  2

footer: Saturday 17 Feb, 2:04 PM

Imagine: 3,051 signatures in only 5 days!

And here I was wondering if my Petition would really be able to get enough signatures to get certified for presentation to Parliament in just 30 days. I knew very well that I’m not the only Canadian who cares desperately about the plight of Palestinians in Gaza, but I didn’t know if I would be able to reach them. But it seems the people I’ve asked to sign and share have done a brilliant job of it. 

And special thanks to Mike Morrice for sponsoring this!

While our democratic governments offer unconditional support to Israel, more and more people around the world have decided to hit the streets in peaceful protest for a Palestinian peace. We all have busy lives: nobody has time for this. I certainly didn’t have time to write a petition. But we have to do this.

Because we know what’s going on. Just as the Vietnam War played out in the living rooms of America, the War on Hamas is up close and personal, on our phones, tablets and computers. 

With people being bombed, unhoused, displaced, starved and killed, the importance and urgency of the subject of this petition is staggering. Canada needs to restore funding to UNWRA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East)

The more signatures this petition receives, the more seriously the Government of Canada will take it, so please keep signing and sharing!