2019 Candidate Nominations #KitCen #Wloo

Last week’s WRGreens PreNomination Social was a fabulous success.

WRGreens will be holding 2 nomination meetings.  The first will be a combined meeting for Kitchener Centre and Waterloo.  Today—Monday February 4th, 2019—  is the last day to join the Green Party and be eligible  to vote to choose which of these nominees will be the 2019 Green Party Candidate!

This is the lineup of 2019 GPC nominees for Kitchener Centre:

an Graham, Bob Jonkman, Mike Morrice
2019 Kitchener Centre Candidate Nominees: Ian Graham, Bob Jonkman, Mike Morrice
candidates talk to WRGreens voters
Ian Graham, Bob Jonkman and Mike Morrice discuss green issues at the WRGreens PreNomination Social

And here are the GPC candidate nominees for Waterloo.

Robert Reid and Kirsten Wright
2019 Waterloo Candidate Nominees: Robert Reid and Kirsten Wright
candidate nominees talk with potential GPC voters
Robert Reid and Kirsten Wright discuss green issues at the WRGreens PreNomination Social

Over the next month, each of the nominees will be asked to tell you a little bit about themselves here. We’ll also be publishing videos for each on the WRGreens YouTube page.

The Candidate Nomination will take place on Wednesday, March 6, 2019 at 7:00pm – 8:30pm.

You must live in the riding and attend the nomination meeting in person to vote.

You can register on the Eventbright page here:

or on Facebook here:

Don’t forget: today is the last day to join the Green Party of Canada to choose the 2019 Kitchener Centre and Waterloo candidates!