lloerwyn: I don’t like modern Arthuriana that pulls the whole ‘Christianity bad and…


I don’t like modern Arthuriana that pulls the whole ‘Christianity bad and oppressive, paganism good and woke’ deal because so much Arthurian literature has such interesting religious synchretism that deserves exploring. Obviously it varies story by story, but broadly speaking, this is a world where God exists alongside witchcraft and the fae and this isn’t a contradiction. There’s even some Jewish Arthuriana out there. This complex set of beliefs is honestly way more interesting and tells you a lot more about the medieval worldview than trying to shoehorn in a black and white narrative that fits closer to our modern views on religion.

Je Suis Charlie – Intolerence

I Understand Kaveh Mousavi is being as fair as anyone in his situation can be when he writes: Muslim reformists should not deceive themselves into thinking that this extremism is only a tiny minority of “fake” Muslims that is being exaggerated by the hostile colonialists media. While extremists such as these shooters indeed are a […]