This past year we all watched the media portray a white land…

This past year we all watched the media portray a white land owner well within his right, to shoot & kill a young Aboriginal youth, for reasons the white landowner was protecting his land from a trespasser.

It’s ironic, that today the media plays out another portrayal; Aboriginal land owners, protecting ancestral, traditional land being forcibly removed by heavily armed military and tactical units.  The same whites who thought it was ok that the white farmer was well within his right to kill for his land, want the government to forcibly remove, and even kill Aboriginals for protecting their land.

“I’d put my money on the sun and solar energy. What…

“I’d put my money on the sun and solar energy.
What a source of power!
I hope we don’t have to wait until oil and coal 
run out before we tackle that.”
                                                                                                                                — Thomas Edison (1931)

I am not certain of the provenance of this quotation, but a comment on a snopes forum suggests it was quoted on page 31 of “Uncommon friends: Life with Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Thomas Firestone, Alex Carrel and Charles Lindburgh.”

The original Thomas Edison Photo (found on on Wikipedia) was taken in Mathew Brady’s Washington, DC studio in April 1878 is now well in the Public Domain, so this is too.  

This isn’t my first attempt at colourization, but it’s certainly the most successful. 

The background photo is my own.  [full size image on Flickr]

It doesn’t matter WHO has the 39%. What matters is that if 60%…

It doesn’t matter WHO has the 39%. 

What matters is that if 60% of Canadians don’t have representation in Parliament, we have a pretty poor Representative Democracy.  But it doesn’t have to be that way.  More than 90 countries around the world have adopted some form of Proportional Representation, some more than a century ago.

Call your MP and make sure they know you expect them to vote to accept the ERRE Committee’s report on May 31, 2017, so the process continues.