temporarilypermanenturl: benwinstagram: kanyolo: nuggetfucker98…







I feel like an important message is trying to be communicated to me but I have no idea what it is

Our forests are being cut down 3x faster than they can grow! One acre of hemp produces as much cellulose fiber pulp as 4.1 acres of trees!!! This is super useful for so many things, especially paper production! In addition, hemp takes in carbon dioxide 4x as fast as trees do, which makes it especially valuable in the act of reducing CO2 emissions/greenhouse gases! 🌲🌲🌲 source 

#the scope of the anti-hemp conspiracy in the united states is terrifying once you start doing research tbh#like it was initially smeared/banned bc lumber lobbyists pushed for it to be…#and a major smear tactic was to associate it with black people#who now a hundred years later are the ones primarily being imprisoned for it#and the plant itself has now been inextricably linked to the drug so people won’t even allow for it to be grown for commercial purposes#like paper making (via literallyfuckeveryone)

Important reminder that industrial hemp can’t be used as a recreational drug, so if anyone tries to pull that card you can just stop them then and there. There are no real arguments against using industrial hemp, even if you’re rigidly against the legalization of any recreational drugs.

After a Vancouver race riot, Oriental business owners including opium den owners had the temerity to apply to the federal government for restitution. In reply, Canada launched the original war on drugs.  

Although a recognized medicinal ingredient (with therapeutic usage going back thousands of years) there has always been a great mystery around the fact Cannabis was suddenly added to the schedule of illegal drugs without a word of discussion(or even identifying it by name!) as a last minute addition to a law. 

At the time, Cannabis was so much a Canadian non-issue that it wouldn’t actually become a problem until half a century later in the 1960s.

Absent evidence or justification, there are many theories why this happened.  The one that strikes me as most likely is that knocking out cannabis eliminated the sturdier hemp based paper, effectively granting Canada’s fledgling wood fiber pulp and paper industry monopoly status.

Cellophane was made from hemp; eliminating plastic wrap is a great idea.

temporarilypermanenturl: benwinstagram: kanyolo: nuggetfucker98…







I feel like an important message is trying to be communicated to me but I have no idea what it is

Our forests are being cut down 3x faster than they can grow! One acre of hemp produces as much cellulose fiber pulp as 4.1 acres of trees!!! This is super useful for so many things, especially paper production! In addition, hemp takes in carbon dioxide 4x as fast as trees do, which makes it especially valuable in the act of reducing CO2 emissions/greenhouse gases! 🌲🌲🌲 source 

#the scope of the anti-hemp conspiracy in the united states is terrifying once you start doing research tbh#like it was initially smeared/banned bc lumber lobbyists pushed for it to be…#and a major smear tactic was to associate it with black people#who now a hundred years later are the ones primarily being imprisoned for it#and the plant itself has now been inextricably linked to the drug so people won’t even allow for it to be grown for commercial purposes#like paper making (via literallyfuckeveryone)

Important reminder that industrial hemp can’t be used as a recreational drug, so if anyone tries to pull that card you can just stop them then and there. There are no real arguments against using industrial hemp, even if you’re rigidly against the legalization of any recreational drugs.

After a Vancouver race riot, Oriental business owners including opium den owners had the temerity to apply to the federal government for restitution. In reply, Canada launched the original war on drugs.  

Although a recognized medicinal ingredient (with therapeutic usage going back thousands of years) there has always been a great mystery around the fact Cannabis was suddenly added to the schedule of illegal drugs without a word of discussion(or even identifying it by name!) as a last minute addition to a law. 

At the time, Cannabis was so much a Canadian non-issue that it wouldn’t actually become a problem until half a century later in the 1960s.

Absent evidence or justification, there are many theories why this happened.  The one that strikes me as most likely is that knocking out cannabis eliminated the sturdier hemp based paper, effectively granting Canada’s fledgling wood fiber pulp and paper industry monopoly status.

Cellophane was made from hemp; eliminating plastic wrap is a great idea.