Ubuntu ButtonsUbuntu is a GNU/Linux free software operating…

Ubuntu Buttons

Ubuntu is a GNU/Linux free software operating system.  You used to be able to write away for a free Ubuntu CD… Canonical would mail one to anyone, anywhere in the world, gratis. 

Here in Waterloo Region there used to be Ubuntu Release Parties at the Kwartzlab Makerspace.  The idea being to:

  1. celebrate free software, and 
  2. to introduce the idea of free software– specifically the Ubuntu operating system (to use instead of Windows or iOS) to run your digital devices.  

But I guess Ubuntu became too successful.  They stopped mailing out CDs (shortly after I wrote away for mine).  Then they kept adding new hoops for the official Ubuntu community organizers to jump through to be re-certified.  To the point where our local organizers (who used to host monthly Ubuntu Hours as well as release parties) decided it was more trouble than it was worth, and let their affiliation slide. 

Which is too bad.  I consider myself fortunate to have had the opportunity to learn about the free/proprietary issues, as well as access local help and support in my transition to free software.  But I guess we’re at the point where free software doesn’t really need Ubuntu parties anymore.  There are plenty of other ways to connect with the Waterloo Region computer community (check out the WatCamp calendar to see what’s happening).  

Ubuntu is still out there, and perhaps is still the most commonly adopted free software computer operating system, but of course the Android operating system is even better known these days.