An important Canadian by-election is underway in Toronto Centre. When Liberal finance minister Bill…

An important Canadian by-election is underway in Toronto Centre. When Liberal finance minister Bill Morneau resigned, he left the Liberal stronghold unrepresented. But the reality is this riding has not been very well represented for decades.

Because it has been a safe seat, high profile Liberals (like Mr Morneau) are routinely parachuted in. Because they lack strong community ties, they represent the Liberal Party in Parliament, but don’t do a very good job for most of the people who actually live in Toronto Centre. That’s why all important social issues have run rampant here, despite the powerful MPs who are supposed to represent it.

Annamie Paul just won the Green Party Leadership while beginning her campaign to represent the voters of Toronto Centre. Even if she didn’t have strong ties to this community, Annamie Paul would represent the citizens of Toronto Centre far better than any candidate from the other major parties because Green MPs represent their constituents first.

Mike Schreiner has demonstrated what a single Green MPP can accomplish with a majority PC government. Imagine what Annamie Paul could do for her constituents in a minority Parliament!

I don’t live in Toronto Centre, although I worked there decades ago. It’s where I had my first experience of homeless people. Despite all the powerful MPs Toronto Centre has had since, not only has that problem grown, it’s spread nation wide without any end in sight. Only the Green Party has effective policies to address poverty and homelessness.

I am so impressed with Annamie I want to help. But though I don’t live there, I can lend my grass root support to her campaign by volunteering to make phone calls.

And you can, too. See what you can do to help elect this amazing woman. We need MPs like Annamie in the House of Commons if we are ever going to get our governments to make the changes that need to be made.

That’s why I’ll be making phone calls for Annamie this week. I hope you can help Annamie on some way too.


'Volunteer to help elect Annamie Paul in Toronto Centre' over a photo of Annamie Paul campaigning in front of a"Be Daring" campaign sign
Elections Canada Electoral Map of Toronto Centre
Congratulations to Annamie Paul, new leader of the Green Party of Canada over a photo of Annamie campaiging in Toronto Centre during the 2019 election.
A masked Annamie safely "Mainstreeting" (talking to voters on the street) during the 2020 by-election
Annamie and a crew of sign waving volunteers pose for a photo which I have titled: be daring! Go green!