historycultureeducation:Title: “Wear a mask or go to Jail”-The…


Title: “Wear a mask or go to Jail”-The use of masks during the Spanish flu pandemic, 1918 [988x1123]

Source: https://reddit.com/r/HistoryPorn/comments/i6lah6/wear_a_mask_or_go_to_jailthe_use_of_masks_during/

Author: https://www.reddit.com/user/snoopmandde

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Then, as now, the mask wearers were right.

Making Nonmedical MasksBecause I’m in the front lines just now,…

Making Nonmedical Masks

Because I’m in the front lines just now, I’ve thought about masks a lot, and believe they are essential.  But I’m a maker, not a seamstress, so I’ve been learning as I go, redesigning and trying this and that so I can mass produce a big pile of masks to donate to people who need them. 

One thing is finding the right fabric patterns.  I loved this cat fabric, but wasn’t sure if it would make good masks, so I only picked up a half metre.  And when I went back it was gone.  Oh well.