Welcome WRGreens Candidates

WRGreens second nomination meeting has filled our slate of 2019 WRGreens candidates.  Congratualations!

Cambridge GPC Candidate

  • Michele Braniff

Kitchener—Conestoga GPC Candidate

  • Stephanie Goertz

Kitchener South—Hespeler GPC Candidate

David Weber, Kitchener South—Hespeler Candidate makes his case

  • David Weber




Cambridge, Kitchener—Conestoga and Kitchener South—Hespeler Candidate Nominees
Candidate Nominees: Cambridge: Michele Braniff, Kitchener—Conestoga: Stephanie Goertz,
Kitchener South—Hespeler: Ian Graham, Archie Henderson, David Weber

With all our candidates chosen, our 2019 candidates first official outing was the following Saturday’s pancake flipping team at the 2019 Elmira Maple Syrup Festival.

In 2015 WRGreens only female candidate was Michele Braniff in Cambridge.  In 2018 we got closer to gender balance when Stacey Danckert ran in Kitchener Centre provincially.  But now, in 2019, we are especially pleased to note the WRGreens gender imbalance now swings the other way, with 3 of our 5 (60%) candidates being women.


Congratulations to all our 2019 candidates!

David Weber                Michele Braniff             Stephanie Goertz            Kirsten Wright             Mike Morrice
Kitchener South—Hespeler  •   Cambridge    •   Kitchener—Conestoga      •     Waterloo      •     Kitchener Centre





Nominations: Kitchener Centre and Waterloo

Kirsten Wright speaks to the crowd

There was a packed house for the Kitchener Centre and Waterloo Green Party nomination contest, held at Descendants Brewery on Wednesday, 6 March 2019.

Green Party of Ontario Deputy Leader Abhijeet Manay

Green Party of Canada Organizer, Randi Ramdeen

Bob Jonkman, Kirsten Wright, Ian Graham and Mike Morrice

Music by Joni NehRita

Candidate Nominee Q & A

Returning Officers Matt Piggot and Dave Doulson

Congratulations to Mike Morrice for winning the Kitchener Centre nomination, and to Kirsten Wright for winning the Waterloo nomination!

And many thanks to all those from the Waterloo Region Greens who helped put on this event, the largest Green Party nomination contest in Waterloo Region history!

2019 Candidate Nominations #KitCen #Wloo

Last week’s WRGreens PreNomination Social was a fabulous success.

WRGreens will be holding 2 nomination meetings.  The first will be a combined meeting for Kitchener Centre and Waterloo.  Today—Monday February 4th, 2019—  is the last day to join the Green Party and be eligible  to vote to choose which of these nominees will be the 2019 Green Party Candidate!

This is the lineup of 2019 GPC nominees for Kitchener Centre:

an Graham, Bob Jonkman, Mike Morrice
2019 Kitchener Centre Candidate Nominees: Ian Graham, Bob Jonkman, Mike Morrice
candidates talk to WRGreens voters
Ian Graham, Bob Jonkman and Mike Morrice discuss green issues at the WRGreens PreNomination Social

And here are the GPC candidate nominees for Waterloo.

Robert Reid and Kirsten Wright
2019 Waterloo Candidate Nominees: Robert Reid and Kirsten Wright
candidate nominees talk with potential GPC voters
Robert Reid and Kirsten Wright discuss green issues at the WRGreens PreNomination Social

Over the next month, each of the nominees will be asked to tell you a little bit about themselves here. We’ll also be publishing videos for each on the WRGreens YouTube page.

The Candidate Nomination will take place on Wednesday, March 6, 2019 at 7:00pm – 8:30pm.

You must live in the riding and attend the nomination meeting in person to vote.

You can register on the Eventbright page here:

or on Facebook here:

Don’t forget: today is the last day to join the Green Party of Canada to choose the 2019 Kitchener Centre and Waterloo candidates!