The British Columbia Carbon Tax: A Failed Experiment in Market-Based Solutions to Climate Change

The British Columbia Carbon Tax: A Failed Experiment in Market-Based Solutions to Climate Change:

Carbon Tax must be revenue neutral, not a government revenue stream

Money collected as carbon tax must be used to fund the transition to a sustainable future, by mitigating financial burden on citizens and investing in green energy, otherwise climate change will prevail.  

Happy Earth Day

Happy Earth Day

In recent years we’ve gone straight from winter into summer. Although we’ve been having record shattering temperatures in the last few months, we’ve had spring, winter and summer, and then back again. I captured this bee (in photographic form only, thanks🙂 ) on April 19th whilst walking the dogs a few blocks from home. So it looks like it is really spring now.

The natural world is wonderful, and I sincerely hope we humans can stop our race to destruction. The first step in weaning ourselves from our profligate fossil fuel consumption is certainly to #keepitintheground. I hope our governments are clever enough to actually do this.