Spiderprincess …a Hallowe’een costume…

…a Hallowe'een costume juxtaposition….

O wonder!
How many goodly creatures are there here!
How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world
That has such people in’t!

— William Shakespeare, The Tempest

I’ve always loved this photo. One of my worst Hallowe'ens as a child was the time it was so cold I had to wear my winter coat and cover up my princess costume. Perhaps that’s why I love this photo of my beautiful niece wearing her princess costume as she happily squashed her princess coiffure to try out the Spiderman costume head I’d made for my son.

Check out Lothaurien’s Lore where I’m blogging about the costumes I’ve made over the years.

Spiderprincess …a Hallowe’een costume…

…a Hallowe'een costume juxtaposition….

O wonder!
How many goodly creatures are there here!
How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world
That has such people in’t!

— William Shakespeare, The Tempest

I’ve always loved this photo. One of my worst Hallowe'ens as a child was the time it was so cold I had to wear my winter coat and cover up my princess costume. Perhaps that’s why I love this photo of my beautiful niece wearing her princess costume as she happily squashed her princess coiffure to try out the Spiderman costume head I’d made for my son.

Check out Lothaurien’s Lore where I’m blogging about the costumes I’ve made over the years.