Sunday morning Prayer and Peace for Colten Boushie. There is…

Sunday morning Prayer and Peace for Colten Boushie. 

There is nothing we can do to erase the Canadian genocide that has gone on for the last 150 years but it is time to stop this NOW.  There must be political will for REAL real change.  

I am so ashamed of Canada. 

zolamtl: Colten Boushie, 22 yrs old, from Red Pheasant First…


Colten Boushie, 22 yrs old, from Red Pheasant First Nation, was shot dead by a rural saskatchewan man when he came towards him for help for a flat tire. The shooter is pleading not guilty to 2nd degree murder. Why was he granted bail?

Colten’s family is asking for justice

This young indigenous man that had his whole life in front of him. He was training to be a fireman and was involved in his community church. 

Racism kills.

The night Colten Boushie died:
What family and police files say about his last day, and what came after

Gerald Stanley committed to stand trial in death of Colten Boushie
Farmer charged with 2nd-degree murder of 22-year-old from Red Pheasant Cree Nation