red white and blue
Today is the American inauguration.
I know a lot of people have serious concerns, but the fact remains, the new administration was the result of the American winner-take-all election.
If you’re a Democratic supporter and the system didn’t work for you, it is time to see about fixing it. Fighting among yourselves won’t get you anywhere, it is time to find common ground. Complaints might make you feel better but working for productive change would be better. Seek out or see what you can do to help @lessig with campaign finance reform. If you want change, now is the time to knuckle down and work for it.
Feuds are counterproductive, so I recommend treating those whose politics you disagree with with respect, even if you think they don’t deserve it, because the only good way to real change that will stand the test of time is through dialogue and working together. The shape of your country’s future depends on it.
I know a lot of people are happy with the election result. You were unhappy during the last administration, and now you’re on the winning side. But no matter what your reasons for voting the way you did, chances are good that you are going to be seeing a lot of broken promises as your newly elected President finds his way, but that’s how it works. Even when your team wins in winner-take-all politics, chances are you are going to have to lobby the government to actually deliver on the promises that got your vote. If you want the system to deliver, now is the time to knuckle down and work for it.
Feuds are counterproductive, so I recommend treating those whose politics you disagree with with respect, even if you think they don’t deserve it, because the only good way to real change that will stand the test of time is through dialogue and working together. The shape of your country’s future depends on it.
I know a lot of people are unhappy, and would have been unhappy, no matter whether Mr. Trump or Mrs Clinton won. These are the citizens who support other parties, third parties, or are so disgusted with the unfairness of the system they support none. Nearly half of your eligible voters didn’t vote at all; I imagine many of them have bought into the idea that voting for what they wanted would have been futile. Not voting doesn’t get you what you want, it lets those who did decide your fate. If the system doesn’t work for you, it is time to see about fixing it. Complaints might make you feel better but working for productive change would be better. Seek out or see what you can do to help @lessig with campaign finance reform. Or get involved with the party of your choice to see what you can do to help it’s candidate(s) get elected next time there is an election.
Feuds are counter-productive, so I recommend treating those whose politics you disagree with with respect, even if you think they don’t deserve it, because the only good way to real change that will stand the test of time is through dialogue and working together. The shape of your country’s future depends on it.
Democracy shouldn’t be a team sport.
It shouldn’t divide citizens into “us” and “them.”
To make democracy work, people have to work together, for the good of all. For the public good. Remember the golden rule and stay classy.
Good luck to you all.