Must Watch: Green Party of Canada Election Coverage

TONIGHT! Must Watch: Green Party of Canada Election Coverage

When I began Whoa!Canada I’d been determinedly non-partisan all my life. For various reasons I did end up joining a party — the Green Party of Canadain middle age. Even so, I’ve worked to keep partisanship out of this blog. But the Green Party Leadership race, like any major party leadership, is important for all of Canada. TVO recognized this from the get go, but even so there has been very…

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Must Watch: Green Party of Canada Election Coverage

When I began Whoa!Canada I’d been determinedly non-partisan all my life. For various reasons I did end up joining a party — the Green Party of Canada in middle age. Even so, I’ve worked to keep partisanship out of this blog. But the Green Party Leadership race, like any major party leadership, is important for all of Canada. TVO recognized this from the get go, but even so there has been very little serious coverage. In the Internet era, we’re no longer entirely at the mercy of MSM gatekeepers, so there’s been plenty to see online. Tonight CBC, Youtube and Facebook will present live election night coverage.

As most of the GPC Leadership campaign has coincided with the COVID-19 pandemic, although a few of the Candidates had begun cross Canada tours when the shut downs hit, there has been very little opportunity for Green Party members to actually engage with leadership candidates face to face.

But that hasn’t stopped the Canadian Greens from putting on an excellent engaging leadership campaign. Interim Leader Jo-Ann Robert’s People, Politics and Planet podcast hosted interviews with all the candidates. We began with 10 candidates, and end with 8 going into tonight’s election.

July 20-30: Regional Townhalls with the GPC Leadership Contestants.

There have been a wide variety of Interviews and Zoom meetups with Electoral District Associations across the country.

Fair Vote Canada kicked off the Green Party 2020 Leadership Debate season:

Fair Vote Canada Leadership Debate on Democracy
The Agenda with Steve Paikin: GPC Leadership Debate 2020
Canada’s place in the world: Green Party of Canada Leadership Debate

Finally, after months of hard work campaigning, CBC will be hosting the Green Party Leadership 2020 Election Night coverage!

WATCH LIVE: Green Party of Canada 2020 Leadership Election Night