The list of war crimes Israel perpetrates against Palestine just keeps growing.

The list of war crimes Israel perpetrates against Palestine just keeps growing.

The 17 year siege of Gaza is the longest siege in history. The Gaza Strip is home to some 2 million people (or it was before this started). The Strip is surrounded by razor wire and “no go” buffer zones where any Palestinian getting too close would be summarily shot. Nor could Gazans leave this open air prison by the heavily patrolled sea, where the Israeli naval service would use any means possible to prevent this.

There were two exits available, one totally controlled by the Israeli military, the other by the Jordan military. The exit to Jordan has been shut down. About one-third of the 1.4 million registered Palestine refugees live in the 58 UNRWA-recognised refugee camps in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. Egypt does not want more.

Duriing those 17 years, Israel has strictly controlled everything that goes into and comes out of Gaza. Electricity, water, fuel, medical help. They carefully keep Gazans on a subsistence diet. Humanitarian aid coming by sea (including the Canadian Boat To Gaza) have been stopped and sent back. Covid Vaccinations were given to Israelis, not Gazans.

Gazans have no human rights under Israeli military rule. Half of the Palestinian residents Gaza are children.

Each year approximately 500-700 Palestinian children (12-17) are detained and prosecuted in the Israeli military court system, most commonly charged with throwing stones.

This 16 year siege has been marked by various uprisings from among the captives. But apparently this siege has not been brutal enough.

So now, in response to the recent Hamas terrorist attacks on Israelis, Israel is “imposing a complete siege on Gaza.”

After mercilessly bombarding the civilians of the Gaza strip with bombs, Israel is ordering the captive Palestinians to leave…except when they do, they are attacked and often killed.

“There will be no electricity, no food, no water, no fuel, everything will be closed.” When you lock up millions of people in a densely occupied open air prison without food and water, there is only one possible outcome.

This isn’t a war, its an occupation. Its shooting fish in a barrel.

But Israel thinks these flagrant human rights violations are justified, because their leadership don’t see Palestinians as human beings, but as human animals.