Electoral Reform Committees of the House: Harold AlbrechtMay 30,…

Electoral Reform Committees of the House: Harold Albrecht
May 30, 2017  

Madam Speaker, I, along with all my colleagues in this House, remember very clearly the number of all-candidates debates we were at through the last campaign where we heard time after time, dozens of times, probably, the Liberal candidates promising that this was going to be the last first past the post election in Canada.

Many times throughout my colleague’s speech he commented on the democratic process. If the democratic process is so important, why would the Liberal government not allow the referendum, which was clearly recommended by the democratically appointed committee, to give all Canadians a say on the voting system they would like?

It is not fair that the Prime Minister would take upon himself that one decision for the entire country.  Why not allow the Canadian population to have its say on this important issue?

— Harold Albrecht, MP (Conservative)

Electoral Reform Committees of the House: Routine Proceedings 

Campaigning in 2015, Raj Saini made a convincing case for…

Campaigning in 2015, Raj Saini made a convincing case for Electoral Reform.

The citizens of Kitchener Centre elected Raj Saini to do as he promised.  

Now that his government is having cold feet, #KitCen needs their elected representative to represent them on May 31st.  

Call Raj to let him know you want him to vote for Proportional Representation.