historycultureeducation:Title: “Wear a mask or go to Jail”-The…


Title: “Wear a mask or go to Jail”-The use of masks during the Spanish flu pandemic, 1918 [988x1123]

Source: https://reddit.com/r/HistoryPorn/comments/i6lah6/wear_a_mask_or_go_to_jailthe_use_of_masks_during/

Author: https://www.reddit.com/user/snoopmandde

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Then, as now, the mask wearers were right.

https://www.instagram.com/tv/CH0aQMKAmz0/?igshid=12nr6id7g3dwjThank you, Annamie Paul.If we had a…


Thank you, Annamie Paul.

If we had a #Canada wide coordinated approach in which all levels of government worked together for the public good, the entire country could be dealing with the same kind of numbers we’ve seen from the Maritimes.

It becomes increasingly clear that Canada needs Annamie Paul for Prime Minister.

Last night I had a #COVID19 test, not because I have symptoms, but so I’ll be able to visit my…

Last night I had a #COVID19 test, not because I have symptoms, but so I’ll be able to visit my Mom in Long Term Care again. I haven’t seen her in over a month due to the difficulty involved in getting tested in a Province that has failed to prioritize testing.

Today at my pre-work screening I learned that I am no longer allowed to work until the results of my test are in. This is kind of reasonable, but again, it wouldn’t be such a problem if testing was easy and results fast.

Governments need to do better!

Grand River Transit is free until June 1st in Waterloo…

Grand River Transit is free until June 1st in Waterloo Region.  

At that time, people will be required to board the bus by the front doors again to pay their fares.  As if #COVID19 will magically be gone because we said so.

Although GRT suggests riders wear masks, when I took transit the other day, I was in the tiny minority of mask wearers. 

Right now, drivers are somewhat protected from passengers by distance, and none that I’ve seen are wearing masks.  Drivers should be wearing masks *now* to encourage regular riders to wear them June 1st.  

Battling a virus with masks

Battling a virus with masks:

“The maximum transmission distance of the virus aerosol — particles generated in the air during breathing, talking, coughing and sneezing — is about 4 metres. In a study conducted by the National Institute of Health, even after speaking, salivary particles were found to remain floating in the air for eight minutes. These points further emphasise the importance of mask usage.”

The Hindu:  Battling a virus with masks by Nikita Mehra