Temperature anomalies arranged by country 1900 – 2018Created…

Temperature anomalies arranged by country 1900 - 2018

Created by Antti Lipponen and released under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License 

Temperature anomalies arranged by country 1900 - 2018. Visualization based on Berkeley Earth / Robert Rohde data 


There’s a great deal of misinformation about climate change.  Some people say the climate isn’t changing; they say that we’ve always had weather.  And when we have colder snap, they insisted it proved global warming isn’t happening.

But weather is not synonymous with climate.  

Weather is the day-to-day state of the atmosphere, and its short-term variation in minutes to weeks. People generally think of weather as the combination of temperature, humidity, precipitation, cloudiness, visibility, and wind. … Climate is the weather of a place averaged over a period of time, often 30 years.

— “What is the difference between weather and climate?”
National Snow and Ice Data Center

Antti Lipponen’s animated visualization does a lovely job of demonstrating the pattern of climate change over time.

So rather than trying to fight the naysayers, those trying to sound the alarm about global warming stopped trying to fight this battle, and instead started calling the problem Climate Change.

This video is slightly longer than 30 seconds, but I needed it to be much shorter so I could use it to demonstrate the changing climate for a 1 minute campaign video I was producing for my husband’s 2019 election campaign as the Green Party of Canada candidate for Brantford—Brant.  Since Antti Lipponen released the visualization with a free culture license, I was not only able to use it, under the terms of the CC-By licence I was able to reduce it to fit.  The short version works brilliantly in my Green Wave video, but in order to shoehorn it into the necessary space, I’d needed to reduce each year to a single frame.  But the original video is very well worth seeing as well, because of the increasing frequency of multiple temperature anomolies over the years as climate change picks up speed.


Despite everything, the “climate change skeptics” continue to deny the existence of human caused Climate Change. Not because the science is faulty— Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) has been accepted by at least 99.9% of publishing climate scientists— but because the fossil fuel industry (and those profiting from it) want to wring as much money out of their holdings as possible, much like the cigarette industry wanted to  suppress the science indicating smoking was hazardous to human health as long as possible so they could continue profiting.   

Italy: Venice council flooded after ‘NO’ vote on climate change measures


Oops. Awkward.

An Italian council was flooded immediately after rejecting new measures to address the climate crisis that threatens to sink the city, and wreak havoc throughout the world.

The regional council of Veneto is situated on Venice’s Grand Canal. On Tuesday night, the office flooded for the first time in its history, right after rejecting measures to fight climate change.


It doesn’t get much stupider than this. 

Venice is one of the first cities that will be lost to ocean rise if we don’t do something about #ClimateChange soon

Our House Is On Fire

Fridays for Future Climate Strike: Kitchener-Waterloo

This event is dedicated to building a youth voice to speak up for climate action in solidarity with Greta Thunberg and other young people across the world.

Join us on

Friday, February 1st
from 12.30 to 1:30pm

outside of MP Bardish Chagger’s office / Waterloo City Hall at 100 Regina Street in Uptown Waterloo.

The focus will be on youth, but all are welcome.

Kitchener-Waterloo Climate Save, RISE for Climate Waterloo, Divest Waterloo, and the local chapters of Citizens’ Climate Lobby and 350.org would like to facilitate and support youth climate strikes in our region … for their future.



*Note: This is not a Green Party event

TUESDAY: Stewards of our Future: Protecting What We Love

TUESDAY: Stewards of our Future: Protecting What We Love

Although this is not a Green Party event, it is sure to be of interest, not just to Greens, but every Ontarian interested in the health of our environment. It’s sure to be a lively discussion you won’t want to miss.

Poster: How can we reduce our personal carbon footprint, engage with elected officials about our concerns, and prepare for a world unlike the one we currently live in? Event Title: Stewards of Our Future: Protecting What We Love featuring Dianne Saxe, Environmental Commissioner of Ontario Tuesday January 15, 2019 7:00pm at Kitchener City Hall Rotunda Join Dr Saxe and local environmental leaders for a conversation about climate change and how each of us can play a role in creating a safer environment. Presented by Divest Waterloo http://divestwaterloo.ca/ The Centre for Public Ethics - Martin Luther University College https://luther.wlu.ca/centres/centre-for-public-ethics.html Grand River Environmental Network (GREN) http://gren.ca/ Faith & the Common Good https://www.faithcommongood.org/

Please REGISTER (admission is free)

Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events…

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