Must Watch: Green Party of Canada Election Coverage

TONIGHT! Must Watch: Green Party of Canada Election Coverage

When I began Whoa!Canada I’d been determinedly non-partisan all my life. For various reasons I did end up joining a party — the Green Party of Canadain middle age. Even so, I’ve worked to keep partisanship out of this blog. But the Green Party Leadership race, like any major party leadership, is important for all of Canada. TVO recognized this from the get go, but even so there has been very…

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Must Watch: Green Party of Canada Election Coverage

When I began Whoa!Canada I’d been determinedly non-partisan all my life. For various reasons I did end up joining a party — the Green Party of Canada in middle age. Even so, I’ve worked to keep partisanship out of this blog. But the Green Party Leadership race, like any major party leadership, is important for all of Canada. TVO recognized this from the get go, but even so there has been very little serious coverage. In the Internet era, we’re no longer entirely at the mercy of MSM gatekeepers, so there’s been plenty to see online. Tonight CBC, Youtube and Facebook will present live election night coverage.

As most of the GPC Leadership campaign has coincided with the COVID-19 pandemic, although a few of the Candidates had begun cross Canada tours when the shut downs hit, there has been very little opportunity for Green Party members to actually engage with leadership candidates face to face.

But that hasn’t stopped the Canadian Greens from putting on an excellent engaging leadership campaign. Interim Leader Jo-Ann Robert’s People, Politics and Planet podcast hosted interviews with all the candidates. We began with 10 candidates, and end with 8 going into tonight’s election.

July 20-30: Regional Townhalls with the GPC Leadership Contestants.

There have been a wide variety of Interviews and Zoom meetups with Electoral District Associations across the country.

Fair Vote Canada kicked off the Green Party 2020 Leadership Debate season:

Fair Vote Canada Leadership Debate on Democracy
The Agenda with Steve Paikin: GPC Leadership Debate 2020
Canada’s place in the world: Green Party of Canada Leadership Debate

Finally, after months of hard work campaigning, CBC will be hosting the Green Party Leadership 2020 Election Night coverage!

WATCH LIVE: Green Party of Canada 2020 Leadership Election Night

Crowdsourced Proofreading

In spite of armies of editors and proof readers, main stream publishing has a long history of published typos.  And as a writer I can tell you. it’s really easy to miss something, especially in something as substantial as an article or a book.  Even if you know how to spell.

Even when a mistakes were caught, it wasn’t reasonable to assume publishers would recall books and reissue them with…

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Crowdsourced Proofreading

In spite of armies of editors and proof readers, main stream publishing has a long history of published typos.  And as a writer I can tell you, it’s really easy to miss something, especially in something as substantial as an article or a book.  Even if you know how to spell.

Even when a mistakes were caught, it wasn’t reasonable to assume publishers would recall books and reissue them with corrections.  Errors wouldn’t be fixed until the second edition.  If there was a second edition.

One of the most earth shattering things to happen to the world of proof readers was our move into the digital age with the invention of the spell checker.  Suddenly proof readers became obsolete.

But all spell checkers are not equal.  When the typo is a real word, no spell checker is going to flag it.  The thing we often forget about technology is that it is no more perfect than any other tool; human supervision is still required.

Wikipedia is the poster child for self publishing.  Not only does it rely on the good will of the public to add articles and factual information, if errors are made, Wikipedia is self-correcting: the public has the power to correct errors and ommissions, whether of fact or spelling.

All those mainstream publishers who no longer employ enough staff to adequately proof read their content are publishing online in digital formats.  Instead of hiring proofreaders, they often have a “report typo” option on their webspage so readers can catch their mistakes for them.  Just as CBC does.

This way, when a reader gets hit between the eyes by an annoying typo, we can report it, so others won’t have to suffer as we have.

When I found a typo in the CBC article Chippewas of the Thames vow to continue pipeline fight good neighbor that I am, I decided to let CBC know so the error could be fixed.

"You gave us hope and when it came down to the process that you pit in place for us, and we reached that pinnacle, it was not what you said."

So I clicked on the link— it should be easy, right?   But it seems CBC isn’t as interested in being told about typos as it is interested in getting personal information about anyone who wants to correct a typo.

"process that you pit in place" presumably should be "put" NOTE: Presumably you want to crowd source your proofreading. That means you seek help from people like me who are willing to take the time to notify you when CBC publishes an error. That's reasonable. What is NOT reasonable is that CBC *requires* people who are willing to HELP CBC (gratis) to turn over personal information. Name: [Required] Email address: [Required] City, Province and Country: [Required] In other words, we are not only doing work you really ought to be paying professional proof readers to do for free, and are required to pay for the privilege with our personal data. Which is why I'm not doing this again.

This isn’t a news issue, or even a matter of opinion.  If I point out the author probably didn’t mean the word “pit,”  it doesn’t matter who I am or where I live.  I could be living in Iceland and it would still be a typo.  Either I’m right or I’m wrong.

Something that ought to take a minute and cost me nothing but a bit of time I was willing to spend, ended up costing me privacy.

There is no need for it, but this has become a prevalent practice online.  Our personal information has become a valuable commodity that companies want for themselves, and very often to sell.

If you’ve ever wondered why you get spam, this is why.   (I know someone who gave up an email account because he got so much spam.)

We need to stop giving our personal details to companies who have no legitimate need of them.

If you’re buying something that needs to be delivered, sure, you have to give your address.  But if you’re making a donation to a political party and they want to be able to connect with you, they will need an address, a phone number, or an email address— but not all three.  If you’re leaving a comment or signing a petition, they want to make sure you’re a real person, not a bot.

Companies want it all; whether they need it or not.  If you give it to them, when you tell them to stop phoning you, they can send you junkmail or spam.  If CBC or any person or company tells you information they have no right to is “required” the correct answer is “none of your business.”

Privacy is an important part of personal security; don’t give up any more than you have to.

Electoral Reform in the News: CBCFollow the progression of…

Electoral Reform in the News: CBC

Follow the progression of Justin Trudeau’s promise to “Make every vote count” to BALONEY 

June 16, 2015

Justin Trudeau vows to end 1st-past-the-post voting in platform speech

Oct. 20, 2015
Justin Trudeau’s Liberals to form majority government

Oct 21, 2015
Trudeau unlikely to change voting system, say political scientists
Experts say campaign trail promise for proportional representation at odds with reality of majority

Oct 28, 2015
Liberal changes to electoral system ‘set up to fail,’ says defeated NDP MP Craig Scott:
'I honestly do not believe that there is a commitment to proportional representation,’ outgoing MP says

Nov 01, 2015
Justin Trudeau’s electoral reform plan needs to 'get going’

Nov 26, 2015
Change to preferential ballot would benefit Liberals

Dec 09, 2015
Rona Ambrose demands Liberals hold referendum on electoral reform

Feb 5, 2016
NDP wants to use proportional representation to decide fate of first-past-the-post

May 5, 2016
Trudeau apologizes in House over misleading remarks on electoral reform delay

May 10, 2016
We can do better’: Liberals kick off push to change Canada’s voting system

May 11, 2016
Electoral reform: a primer on the main alternatives to how we vote

May 12, 2016
Liberal pursuit of electoral reform off to a difficult start

May 15, 2016
Partisan interests difficult to avoid in electoral reform debate

May 31, 2016
The electoral reform fight has only just begun: Aaron Wherry

Jun 12, 2016
Electoral reform: a primer on the main alternatives to how we vote

Referendum on electoral reform would be fraught with complications

Jun 21, 2016
Welcome to the summer of electoral reform: No sunscreen required for dozen lucky MPs

July 6, 2016
Maryam Monsef tells Commons committee first-past-the-post voting system is 'antiquated’

July 7, 2016
Chief electoral officer warns of tight timeline to implement electoral reform

July 10, 2016
Maryam Monsef’s earnest guide to electoral reform for cynics

July 29, 2016
MPs devoting the summer to electoral reform; a look at what they’ve heard so far

July 31, 2016
How electoral reform is like the Stanley Cup finals

Oct 19, 2016
Trudeau says government’s popularity has dampened public’s desire for electoral reform

Oct 21, 2016
How does Justin Trudeau really feel about electoral reform? Let’s go to the tape

Nov 16, 2016
New Democrats say they are open to referendum on electoral reform

Dec 01, 2016
Canada’s electoral reform file has reached tire fire status: Robyn Urback

Minister 'disappointed’ as electoral reform committee recommends referendum on proportional representation

Baloney Meter: Did the Liberals promise electoral reform only with broad support?

Dec 2, 2016
Words that I deeply regret’: Maryam Monsef apologizes for accusations against MPs

Dec 02, 2016
Time for Liberals to decide if they’re serious about electoral reform: Aaron Wherry

Dec 05, 2016
Liberal government launches online survey meant to spur electoral reform conversation

Jan 11, 2017
The Pollcast: What the cabinet shuffle means for electoral reform

Jan 12, 2017
Maryam Monsef escapes the Liberal adventure in electoral reform

Jan 19, 2017
Neil Young among artists, activists urging Trudeau government to reform electoral system

Jan 24, 2017
Liberal survey on voting reform delivers conflicting messages

Feb 01, 2017
Opposition accuses Trudeau of 'betrayal’ as Liberals abandon promise of electoral reform

OPINION:  Say goodbye to electoral reform — a promise that was born sickly: Robyn Urback

Feb 02, 2017
Voting reform groups 'disappointed’ by abandoned Liberal promise

Feb 03, 2017
Liberal fears of proportional representation and a referendum killed Trudeau’s reform promise

Feb 05, 2017
Trudeau’s promise of electoral reform: From 'we can do better’ to accusations of betrayal

Feb 07, 2017
With electoral reform off the table, minister defends first-past-the-post