temporarilypermanenturl: benwinstagram: kanyolo: nuggetfucker98…







I feel like an important message is trying to be communicated to me but I have no idea what it is

Our forests are being cut down 3x faster than they can grow! One acre of hemp produces as much cellulose fiber pulp as 4.1 acres of trees!!! This is super useful for so many things, especially paper production! In addition, hemp takes in carbon dioxide 4x as fast as trees do, which makes it especially valuable in the act of reducing CO2 emissions/greenhouse gases! 🌲🌲🌲 source 

#the scope of the anti-hemp conspiracy in the united states is terrifying once you start doing research tbh#like it was initially smeared/banned bc lumber lobbyists pushed for it to be…#and a major smear tactic was to associate it with black people#who now a hundred years later are the ones primarily being imprisoned for it#and the plant itself has now been inextricably linked to the drug so people won’t even allow for it to be grown for commercial purposes#like paper making (via literallyfuckeveryone)

Important reminder that industrial hemp can’t be used as a recreational drug, so if anyone tries to pull that card you can just stop them then and there. There are no real arguments against using industrial hemp, even if you’re rigidly against the legalization of any recreational drugs.

After a Vancouver race riot, Oriental business owners including opium den owners had the temerity to apply to the federal government for restitution. In reply, Canada launched the original war on drugs.  

Although a recognized medicinal ingredient (with therapeutic usage going back thousands of years) there has always been a great mystery around the fact Cannabis was suddenly added to the schedule of illegal drugs without a word of discussion(or even identifying it by name!) as a last minute addition to a law. 

At the time, Cannabis was so much a Canadian non-issue that it wouldn’t actually become a problem until half a century later in the 1960s.

Absent evidence or justification, there are many theories why this happened.  The one that strikes me as most likely is that knocking out cannabis eliminated the sturdier hemp based paper, effectively granting Canada’s fledgling wood fiber pulp and paper industry monopoly status.

Cellophane was made from hemp; eliminating plastic wrap is a great idea.

temporarilypermanenturl: benwinstagram: kanyolo: nuggetfucker98…







I feel like an important message is trying to be communicated to me but I have no idea what it is

Our forests are being cut down 3x faster than they can grow! One acre of hemp produces as much cellulose fiber pulp as 4.1 acres of trees!!! This is super useful for so many things, especially paper production! In addition, hemp takes in carbon dioxide 4x as fast as trees do, which makes it especially valuable in the act of reducing CO2 emissions/greenhouse gases! 🌲🌲🌲 source 

#the scope of the anti-hemp conspiracy in the united states is terrifying once you start doing research tbh#like it was initially smeared/banned bc lumber lobbyists pushed for it to be…#and a major smear tactic was to associate it with black people#who now a hundred years later are the ones primarily being imprisoned for it#and the plant itself has now been inextricably linked to the drug so people won’t even allow for it to be grown for commercial purposes#like paper making (via literallyfuckeveryone)

Important reminder that industrial hemp can’t be used as a recreational drug, so if anyone tries to pull that card you can just stop them then and there. There are no real arguments against using industrial hemp, even if you’re rigidly against the legalization of any recreational drugs.

After a Vancouver race riot, Oriental business owners including opium den owners had the temerity to apply to the federal government for restitution. In reply, Canada launched the original war on drugs.  

Although a recognized medicinal ingredient (with therapeutic usage going back thousands of years) there has always been a great mystery around the fact Cannabis was suddenly added to the schedule of illegal drugs without a word of discussion(or even identifying it by name!) as a last minute addition to a law. 

At the time, Cannabis was so much a Canadian non-issue that it wouldn’t actually become a problem until half a century later in the 1960s.

Absent evidence or justification, there are many theories why this happened.  The one that strikes me as most likely is that knocking out cannabis eliminated the sturdier hemp based paper, effectively granting Canada’s fledgling wood fiber pulp and paper industry monopoly status.

Cellophane was made from hemp; eliminating plastic wrap is a great idea.

Canadian Cannabis CrackdownBecause cannabis was illegal before…

Canadian Cannabis Crackdown

Because cannabis was illegal before any sort of scientific testing was done, there has been precious little modern scientific study of the substance.  What little study there has been suggests negative effects of cannabis are less harmful than many other substances that can be purchased openly and legally by anyone.  Like aspirin. People can kill themselves with aspirin.  But it is physically impossible for anyone to kill themselves with cannabis.  

The worst health risks with cannabis centre around the fact that it is most often smoked in combination with tobacco, and we now know tobacco is hazardous to our health.  And yet the Canadian Government only allowed patients access to edibles after another Supreme Court challenge.

We believe, however, that the continued prohibition of cannabis jeopardizes the health and well-being of Canadians much more than does the substance itself or the regulated marketing of the substance. In addition, we believe that the continued criminalization of cannabis undermines the fundamental values set out in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and confirmed in the history of a country based on diversity and tolerance.
— Senate Special Committee on Illegal Drugs (2002) 

And yet the Canadian Government promising cannabis legalization has increased it’s war on cannabis even more.  They are cracking down on cannabis at a frantic pace in the lead up to legalization.   

The loudest and most effective cannabis activists in Canadian history are Marc and Jodie Emery.  Today, they accepted probation and hefty fines in a plea deal to allow 17 others to walk free.

This makes no sense. Or does it?

Jodie Emery quotation from “Cannabis Culture dispensaries: What I did, and why” by Jodie Emery;  Photograph by Cannabis Culture editor Jeremiah Vandermeer, released under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 License.

Instagram post by National Geographic • Dec 17, 2017 at 10:59pm UTC

Instagram post by National Geographic • Dec 17, 2017 at 10:59pm UTC:

Cannabis has been used as a medicine for thousands of years.  

It was used medicinally in Canada through the 19th century and into the 20th.  Until out of the blue it was “added to the schedule” of prohibited drugs.

There was no science involved.  But there was racism.

Even so, cannabis wasn’t even a social problem when it became illegal in 1923. Most Canadians hadn’t even heard of it.  But the laws against it got harsher and harsher just the same.

At the beginning of the 21st century, cannabis activists were finally heard by the Supreme Court of Canada, which ruled denying Canadians access to medical marijuana violated their human rights under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.  So the Canadian Government was obligated to change this, and it did. 

But badly.

Because powerful people like ex-Toronto Police Chief (also ex-York Region and ex-London Police Chief) turned Ontario Provincial Police Commissioner Julian Fantino passionately opposed any sort of legalization.  

I guess we can legalize murder too and then we won’t have a murder case. We can’t go that way.
—Julian Fantino, Ottawa Sun April 20th, 2004

Cannabis activists ran “grey market” dispensaries that made better quality cannabis available to medical marijuana patients at a lower cost than the government.    

Why is Cannabis Illegal?French pioneer apothecary Louis Hébert…

Why is Cannabis Illegal?

French pioneer apothecary Louis Hébert was the first European farmer in Canada. Cannabis Sativa, a plant known as “hemp,” was one of his crops.

The sails of sailing ships, canvas, rope, and linen were all manufactured from the rugged fibres of the hemp plant. As was the earliest known paper.  Hemp dominated the paper trade until it was replaced by wood fibre in the 1800s.

When the Indian strain of Cannabis that had been used in Eastern medicine for thousands of years became a popular ingredient in 19th Century Western medicine, French biologist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck “came up with the name Cannabis indica to distinguish Indian cannabis from European hemp.”

War On Drugs

There were no illegal drugs in Canada prior to the 20th Century.  Deputy Minister of Labour William Lyon MacKenzie King changed all that in 1908.

[Read more of “Why Is Cannabis Illegal”
Part I in the WRGreens Cannabis Legalization Series

exigetspersonal: ruffboijuliaburnsides: dealanexmachina: black-…





The war on drugs is rooted in racist policies . The failure of the war and drugs is obvious. We need to find a better solution, because people of color should never be the victims of racist policies. White Americans are more likely than black Americans to have used most kinds of illegal drugs, including cocaine and LSD. Yet blacks are far more likely to go to prison for marijuana, which is not a hard drug. Moreover , even when white people get caught , they get less time in prison. 

…is that Rachael Leigh Cook, the same actress who did the original anti-drug ad when she was a teenager?

It is indeed.

She grew up, realized she’d been exploited to further a racist government agenda, and turned around to bite the hand that feeds. Awesome.


It is so frustrating that Canada’s supposed legalization of cannabis is such a sham.