I’m being inducted into the Canadian SF/F hall of fame


I just got an email asking if I could be free on August 15 for Canvention, the annual Canadian national science fiction convention, because I am being inducted into the  Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association’s Hall of Fame.

Needless to say, my answer was a VERY ENTHUSIASTIC YES.

CSFFA administers Canada’s Aurora Awards and the Hall of Fame, a juried prize that I am UNBELIEVABLY STONKED to be receiving.


This year’s Canvention is

a) Online


b) Free

So if you have a hankering to see me in a deeply ferklempt state trying to express my gratitude, you can certainly do so on the 15th!

The list of previous inductees is pretty fantastic, and includes five of my most important mentors:

  • Judith Merrill
  • Lorna Toolis
  • Phyllis Gottleib
  • William Gibson
  • Spider Robinson


As well as many writers who were extraordinarily kind to me over the years, like Charles de Lint and Elizabeth Vonarburg and Tanya Huff.

It is stellar company to be in - joining some of my lifelong heroes. I could not be happier about this.

Congratulations on your impending induction into the Canadian SF/F Hall of Fame, Mr Doctorow!