At the beginning of this week a book that I used to have as a kid randomly kept popping into my…

At the beginning of this week a book that I used to have as a kid randomly kept popping into my mind. I couldn’t remember much detail about it (including the title at first) but I tracked it down and ordered it on a whim, since it was so cheap. I read it this morning and it was the best decision. Like everyone, I’ve been feeling pretty anxious about the pandemic and everything recently. Working in a hospital, even just in administration, it’s hard not to be. But for half an hour, or however long it took me to finish it, I was in a different, safer world. Countless people have said this more eloquently but the experience really brought home to me why reading and writing and the arts in general are so important.

So, I guess this is just me adding my voice to those saying that if you write or draw or create any kind of art at all then what you do is so very valuable and thank you. <3