lindahall: Johann Dryander – Scientist of the DayJohann…


Johann Dryander – Scientist of the Day

Johann Dryander (born Johannes Eichmann), a German physician, anatomist, mathematician, and astronomer, was born in Hessen on June 27, 1500.

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lindahall: James Short – Scientist of the Day James Short,…



James Short – Scientist of the Day

James Short, a Scottish telescope maker, was born June 21, 1710.  

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visual laurel 2023-06-10 11:00:25

“Proportional representation will ensure that a minority will never rule. It also will ensure that no considerable minority will ever be excluded from having a voice Is that not democracy?

"What have the self- appointed protagonists of democracy and majority rule in this House to say about that?

"Are they opposed to a minority having a voice?

"Are they opposed to majority rule?”

William Irvine, MP (1923) [Pictured]

“Now to think that democracy is properly represented when you…

“Now to think that democracy is properly represented when you have elections under a system which gives you a majority of the members from a minority of the electorate is, of course, too absurd for further argument.” 

 — Andrew Ross McMaster (Liberal)  February 19, 1923

Proportional Representation Debate “I take it that the very…

Proportional Representation Debate 

“I take it that the very principle of James Shaver Woodsworth is that the people, and all the people, shall have a voice in the government. 

“It seems to me that it is not the underlying principle of democracy that one particular section of people shall rule over other sections.” 

James Shaver Woodsworth February 19, 1923

Global Warming


Wind and solar overtake fossil fuels in the EU

Wind and solar produced more energy in the EU during May than all fossil fuels combined, according to energy think tank Ember. This is the first full month on record where these renewables produced more power - with almost a third of the bloc’s electricity coming from wind and solar. Fossil fuels generated a record low of 27 per cent.

Solar alone generated 14 per cent of the EU’s electricity in May: an all-time high. Even without the summer sun, it overtook coal power for the first time which produced just a tenth of the total last month.

Largest Companies do Little to Limit Climate Change

The vast majority of the world’s biggest companies have done almost nothing in the past five years to cut their planet-heating pollution enough to avoid catastrophic climate change. Large companies are either more likely to contribute to extreme levels of warming or are not disclosing their greenhouse gas emissions at all, according to a new report from ESG Book, seen by CNN.

The leading sustainability data provider found that the efforts of just 22% of the world’s 500 biggest public companies by market value are aligned with the Paris Agreement, aimed at limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. That’s a measly gain from 18% of firms in 2018.

Major polluters such as Shell and BP (BP) are shifting their focus back to fossil fuel production following a year of bumper profits helped by soaring oil and gas prices.

Maybe we all need to join Extinction Rebellion…

Governments could be handling this properly if they weren’t in the pockets of sociopathic big businesses… and why on earth are democratic governments *subsidizing* the Fossil Fuel Industry?  



Wildfires - Canada

A plume of Canadian wildfire smoke rapidly darkened the skies over New York City and around the Northeast on Wednesday, making the air dangerous to breathe and disrupting life across the region.

By afternoon, Midtown Manhattan was plunged into a deep hazy orange and smoky clouds obscured visibility across the five boroughs and the region, canceling some flights. Earlier in the day, commuters donned masks used amid the Covid-19 pandemic while walking the streets, children stayed indoors at recess, some schools closed and officials warned people against going outside.

Wildfires - Australia

An estimated 60 billion bugs were lost during the Black Summer bushfires in Australian rainforests and it’s having a major impact on the health of the ecosystem.

Scientists from La Trobe University studied 52 sites in East Gippsland in Victoria and southern NSW that were severely impacted by bushfires in 2019-2020. About 75 per cent of invertebrates visible to the naked eye had disappeared entirely a year after the natural disaster. Rainforests make up just one per cent of all forests in Australia and lead author Professor Heloise Gibb fears up to 120 trillion invertebrates could have been lost across the country.

This is just the beginning of #ClimateChange.

Too bad Prime Minister Trudeau is working do hard to ramp up Canada’s fossil fuel production.