Black History Month coupled with the Internet can fill a lot of holes in the history books my…

Black History Month coupled with the Internet can fill a lot of holes in the history books my generation grew up with. Those of us seeking ways to occupy our time during the pandemic are wise to use this time to educate ourselves.

Some of this Atlantic City history was reflected over the course of the Boardwalk Empire tv series, which depicted a mirror image of black and white criminal worlds.

I just finished Fire and Hemlock this morning and, wow, completely reminded of why I love Diana…

I just finished Fire and Hemlock this morning and, wow, completely reminded of why I love Diana Wynne Jones so much. Plus a plot that’s essentially a retelling of Tam Lin/Thomas the Rhymer? It could have been made to appeal specifically to me, quite honestly.

Planning to do a proper review later over on my sideblog.