adventurecore-suggestions: i love all the words we have that mean traveler. i love the shades of…


i love all the words we have that mean traveler. i love the shades of difference between wanderer and rambler and rover. i love the boldness of adventurer and the purposefulness of explorer, the lawlessness of vagabond and the capability of wayfarer, the quiet reverence of pilgrim and the wild rootlessness of nomad.

lloerwyn: This is the most quintessentially Welsh response possible, and I would expect no less….


This is the most quintessentially Welsh response possible, and I would expect no less.




Well if anyone wondered what Wales is getting up to during the Quarantine, someone set up a Facebook group called Côr-ona (“côr” being the Welsh word for choir), and are using it to teach each other descants for famous Welsh music and songs. It was set up three days ago and already has 10000 members. One of those was an accidentally-added non-Welsh speaker who is very confused, but everyone is delighted by his bewildered presence. Occasionally someone will go for a walk on a beach or mountain and upload a video of themselves singing one of the descants they’ve learned.

marius-pont-de-bercy: For anyone who’s ever wondered who they’d be in a 19th century novel, the wait…


For anyone who’s ever wondered who they’d be in a 19th century novel, the wait is over: I put together a 19th Century Character Trope Generator!

If you’d like to reblog, put your character in the tags because I’m curious.

Canada is a rich country.  Period.  When they say we can’t…

Canada is a rich country.  Period.  

When they say we can’t afford something, it’s not that we can’t afford it.
Its because they lack the political will.

That’s why *my* favorite sign here asks:

What would *you* do with $40 Billion?

(a) 2 Fighter Jets? 

(b) Or 1 million affordable homes?

Canada’s Military Industrial Complex will *always* choose “A.”

These photos date back to a peace rally earlier in the year when it was starting to look as though President Trump was going to start a war with Iran.  Back before anyone had ever heard of Social Distancing.

War is never a good idea.

At the beginning of this week a book that I used to have as a kid randomly kept popping into my…

At the beginning of this week a book that I used to have as a kid randomly kept popping into my mind. I couldn’t remember much detail about it (including the title at first) but I tracked it down and ordered it on a whim, since it was so cheap. I read it this morning and it was the best decision. Like everyone, I’ve been feeling pretty anxious about the pandemic and everything recently. Working in a hospital, even just in administration, it’s hard not to be. But for half an hour, or however long it took me to finish it, I was in a different, safer world. Countless people have said this more eloquently but the experience really brought home to me why reading and writing and the arts in general are so important.

So, I guess this is just me adding my voice to those saying that if you write or draw or create any kind of art at all then what you do is so very valuable and thank you. <3